Monday, June 15, 2009

The Most Important Meal of the Day/Change #2

As I said in my other post, I plan to make small changes that will add up to the weight loss and lifestyle transformation I am seeking. Something that I don't do that I know would improve my chances to lose weight is eat breakfast. Often in the morning I just don't have an appetite but I have decided to make myself eat anyway. I will try to eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking. Eating breakfast kickstarts your metabolism (breakfast eaters are reported to weigh less than those who skip breakfast); eating breakfast regulates blood glucose levels resulting in the fuel of energy to the muscles; it also increases concentration; and lowers cholesterol. The American Dietic Assosiation made the following suggestions for breakfast: Ready-to-eat whole-grain cereal topped with fruit and a cup of yogurt Whole-grain waffles topped with peanut butter, fruit or ricotta cheese A whole-wheat pita stuffed with sliced hard-cooked eggs Hot cereal topped with cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice or cloves Peanut butter on a bagel with fresh fruit (banana or apple wedges) and low-fat milk Breakfast smoothie (milk, fruit and teaspoon of bran, whirled in a blender) Vegetable omelet with a bran muffin and orange juice If your taste buds just do not crave breakfast foods in the morning, try: Lean ham on a toasted English muffin and vegetable juice Cheese pizza and orange juice Grilled vegetables mixed with beans and cilantro topped with cheese Heated leftover rice with chopped apples, nuts and cinnamon and fruit juice A breakfast high in protein is important in weight loss and overall health

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