Sunday, November 22, 2009
Join Me For A Cup Of Tea?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Lunch bag
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Filler Up
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Be Prepared
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Idle Hands...
Friday, September 25, 2009
Hunger Pains
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Another Act of Desperation
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
3-4 Times/Change #8
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Pretty Face

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Just Like a Pill
Friday, July 17, 2009
PH Balance
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Bucket List
1. Live the kind of life in which people know that I know God without my ever having to say I do or displaying it religiously i.e. with tee shirts etc. (don’t get me wrong if you choose to wear religious tee-shirts more power to you, what I am saying is if I don’t wear a tee-shirt I want people to still know I believe in Christ)
2. Orchestrate special moments and events that my children will tell their children’s children about with excitement still present. I use to do things with my children like make giant pancakes, make up my own bedtime stories etc. when talking about things that have happened those are the times that my children talk the most about. I want to get back to that.
3. Travel the world.
4. Make a positive difference in the lives of as many as I can.
5. Change my community for the better.
6. Go on a shopping spree to various hot spots i.e. New York, Italy, etc.
7. Go to a Broadway Show.
8. Sit down with my children and let them look at amusement parks and places they want to go and take them to all of them one summer.
9. Travel going to see various plays…Tyler Perry plays namely.
10. Loose weight and keep it off.
11. Hold my great grandchildren.
12. Find a church home and become involved.
13. Become prissy (not the damsel in distress type prissy but doing things like keeping my hair done and my nails manicured and toes pedicured.
14.Publishing a book
15. Making a Cd
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Super Foods

Mangoes According to studies, the lycopene in this juicy topical fruit may help prevent macular degeneration, a common cause of vision loss, especially in older people. Mangoes also have high amount of disease-fighting antioxidants, fiber, and potassium. Recommended Serving Size: 1 fruit, 135 calories
Carrots You won't find another food with more beta-carotene than carrots. The compound is a form of vitamin A that's full of antioxidant properties and is responsible for the vegetable's bright orange color.Carrots contain carotemoids, antioxidants that protect the lungs. Carrots also Accelerate metabolism and dislodges fatty particles for elimination. A serving or two is also great in fighting cancer. Recommended Serving Size: 1/2 cup steamed carrots, about 27 calories
Broccoli Broccoli packs a healthy dose of disease-fighting antioxidants and vitamins A and C. It's also filled with good-for-you nutrients like calcium, potassium, and fiber. Recommended Serving Size: 1 cup of raw fresh florets, 44 milligrams of calcium, 66 calories
Almonds Looking for an easy way to relieve stress? Try crunching on unsalted almonds to get some aggression out. The nuts are a good source of vitamin B2 and E, as well as magnesium and zinc. Like vitamin C, vitamin E has been shown to fight the free radicals that can cause heart disease. Recommended Serving Size: Shelled almonds, 1/3 cup, 306 calories
Tomatoes The ultimate superfood, tomatoes contain lycopene, a proven heart disease fighter, and they're a good source of vitamins A, C, and E. Recommended Serving Size: 1 cup sliced tomatoes, about 32 calories; or 1 cup cherry tomatoes, about 27 calories
Leafy Greens Spinach, kale, and mustard greens work as a triple threat, loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and iron. Add flavor to these veggies without losing their nutritional value by steaming them. Recommended Serving Size: 1 cup raw, 1/2 cup cooked, 20 calories
Beans Beans are an ideal source of protein, fiber, magnesium, zinc, calcium, and iron. They're also high in folic acid, which can significantly reduce the risk of birth defects. Consume dried beans instead of the canned varieties, which often contain high amounts of sodium and fat. Recommended Serving Size: 1 cup cooked, approximately 225 calories
Green Tea Research has shown that antioxidant-loaded green tea may lower your risk of heart disease and cancer -- and boost your metabolism. Choose an organic brand over bottled iced green tea, which can be high in high fructose corn syrup. Recommended Serving Size: 1 cup brewed, 0 calories; or 1 cup pre-packaged brand, 17 calories
Coffee Your morning cup of java gets you going in the morning -- and it may also protect you from type 2 diabetes and colon cancer. But coffee is no replacement for fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, so drink it in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Recommended Serving Size: Freshly ground black, scant 1 cup, 4 calories
Oatmeal For a boost of fiber, start your day off with steel-cut oats mixed with raisins and apples. Oatmeal has a low glycemic index, which will help you feel energized all day long and keep hunger at bay. Avoid instant oatmeal -- it's typically loaded with sugar. Recommended serving size: Raw, 1/3 cup, 113 calories. Made with water, heaping 3/4 cup, 98 calories
Skim Milk Your body's bone mass peaks when you're in your late 20s, meaning calcium-rich foods such as skim milk are essential to your diet. Skim milk is a great source of calcium because it's low in fat and contains vitamin D, which can help your body absorb calcium. Getting 1,000 to 1,200mg of calcium per day can help prevent osteoporosis. Recommended Serving Size: 1 cup, 300mg calcium, 90 calories
Strawberries If you're craving something sweet, skip the cookies and grab a handful of strawberries or raspberries instead. (In winter, frozen berries make a tasty and equally healthy alternative.) These nutrient-rich fruits are loaded with fiber and vitamin C. Recommended Serving Size: 1/2 cup, 60 calories
Asparagus This green veggie is high in folic acid, which can help stabilize your mood and prevent birth defects (if you're pregnant or trying to conceive). Plus, asparagus is both a natural diuretic and an excellent source of potassium. Recommended Serving Size: 7 spears, 1/2 inch thick, cooked, 25 calories
Apples Apples have a low glycemic index, which can help curb hunger, and they're packed with vitamin C. They're also an excellent source of soluble fiber, which can lower your cholesterol and glucose levels. Recommended serving size: 1 apple, 47 calories
Avocados Avocados contain vitamin E, which can help keep your eyesight sharp. The monounsaturated fat in avocados has also been shown to improve the overall health of your hair and skin.It also lowers cortisol which is a hormone that stores abdominal fat. Recommended Serving Size: 1/2 cup, 80 calories
Peas These green veggies are an ample source of fiber. Stay away from canned peas, which are loaded with sodium. Recommended Serving Size: 1/2 cup cooked or frozen peas, 30 calories
Plums Shrink spider veins and flush fat
Grapefruit - Rich in pectin which breaks down fat cells. Also rich in galacturonic acid which is a natural cholesterol and fat fighter.
Soybeans - Rich in lecithin which blocks cellular fat absorption and promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits.
Blueberries boost memory, reduce Alzheimers, good for urinary tract infection , fend off cravings for four hours, stabilize blood sugar,contains plant compounds that help your body to quickly burn food as fuel instead of store them as fat.
Apricots High in beta carotene which flushes out fat and waste products. Eat a couple of apricots each day as part of your fat fighting regiment.
Beets Cleans blood cells and washes away fatty deposit. Also great for cleansing the liver and kidneys.
Brussels Sprouts Stimulate kidneys to release water and cleans out fatty deposit and other wastes from body cells. They are also a great cancer fighting food.
Cabbage Cleanses mucous membranes and washes out fatty deposit, also a great for fighting cancer.
Cherries Cleanses away waste products including fat deposit.Cherries also relieve pain and inflammation.
Melons Particularly orange colored melons like cantaloupes are high in beta carotene and act as a great fat flusher.
Whole Grains A natural fat metabolizer that is high in fiber. Great for better elimination of waiste and lowering cholesterol. Try these sources of whole grains: · Oatmeal · Brown Rice · Wild Rice · Whole Wheat Pasta .... whole wheat or whole grain · Whole Wheat Flour products (be sure it's "whole wheat")
Red Grapes Contain Resveratrol and improves blood sugar balance, reduces the storage of fat in the belly, reduces LDL cholesterol, improves circulation; lower heart disease and stroke risk
Friday, July 3, 2009
In the Meantime

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Causes and Dangers of Weight Gain
Thyroid Disorder Treatment for Thyroid Disorder Avoid refined foods, saturated fats, sugars, and white flour products. If the thyroid problem is severe it is then good to avoid brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, peaches and pears as they have anti-thyroid substances and may suppress the thyroid function. Follow a diet with at least 50 % of the foods being fresh, and organically grown to rebalance and establish a better metabolism. The enzymes from live foods help the body to maintain proper metabolism. Foods that heal include sprouts, salads, raw vegetables, and thermos cooked grains to retain enzymes which heal and feed the glands. Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as yellow vegetables, eggs, carrots, and dark green vegetables. Eat foods rich in Beta-Carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A and one of nature's most powerful antioxidants. Iodine rich foods that nourish the thyroid are: fish and sea vegetables such as: arame, kelp, dulse, hijike, nori, wakame, and kombu. Seaweeds are very nourishing to the glands. Zinc and copper are important in helping the body make thyroid hormone.
The most important reason to lose weight is for your health. Obesity makes the body succeptable to disease. Some diseases you are more likely to have if you are obese are develop type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, coronary artery disease, stroke, and sleep apnea, among other conditions. If you lose weight, your risk for these conditions is reduced.Where you carry body fat is important. If fat builds up mostly around your stomach (sometimes called apple-shaped), you are at greater risk for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and coronary artery disease than people who are lean or people with fat around the hips. How do you know if you are obese? You can use a measurement called a body mass index, or BMI, to decide whether your weight is dangerous to your health. The BMI is a combination of your height and weight. If you have a BMI of 30 or higher, your extra weight is putting your health in danger. If you are Asian, your health may be at risk with a BMI of 27.5 or higher.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Low Fat Desserts
· 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
· 1 tsp baking soda
· 1/2 tsp baking powder
· 1/4 tsp salt
· 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
· 1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
· 1/4 cup granulated sugar
· 1 large egg
· 2 tsp vanilla extract
· 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce, strained
· 1 cup low-fat buttermilk
Preparation: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly spray two 12-cup mini muffin pans with nonstick cooking spray.
In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cocoa powder.
In a large bowl, beat the sugar and egg together with a hand whisk or wooden spoon.
Add vanilla extract and applesauce and stir well. Gradually add flour and buttermilk alternately, stirring well with each addition, starting and ending with flour.
Stir until just combined. Fill the mini muffin pans 3/4 full. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until a toothpick placed in the center of the cakes comes out clean.
Makes 24 mini chocolate cakes
Per mini cupcake: Calories 74, Calories from Fat 6, Total Fat 0.6g (sat 0.3g), Cholesterol 9mg, Sodium 103mg, Carbohydrate 15.1g, Fiber 0.8g, Protein 1.8g
Banana Bread Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour
· 1 cup whole wheat four
· 1 cup all-purpose flour
· 3/4 tsp baking soda
· 1/4 tsp salt
· 1/2 cup firmly-packed light brown sugar
· 1/4 cup canola oil
· 1 large egg, lightly beaten
· 1/2 cup low-fat buttermilk
· 1 tsp vanilla extract
· 3 medium-sized ripe bananas, mashed
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat an 8 1/2 inch x 4 1/2 inch loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray.
Whisk flour, baking soda and salt together in a large bowl.
Stir in brown sugar.
In a medium bowl, combine oil, egg, buttermilk and vanilla extract.
Add these ingredients to the dry ingredients. Stir in mashed bananas.
Pour batter into the loaf pan and bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes, until a toothpick placed in the center comes out clean.
Yield 12 slices
Per slice: Calories 190, Calories from Fat 50, Total Fat 5.3g (sat 0.5g),
Cholesterol 17mg, Sodium 148mg, Carbohydrate 31.8g, Fiber 2.2.g, Protein 3.6g
Ice Cream Sandwich a La Weight Watchers servings 1estimated POINTS per serving 2
2 chocolate graham crackers (the whole thing)
Fat Free Cool Whip
Allow the Cool Whip to soften so that it can be spread between the crackers to about the thickness of a typical ice cream sandwich.
re-freeze and enjoy the taste of a real ice cream sandwich for only 2 points.
Ambrosia servings 5estimated POINTS per serving 3
1/2 cup canned pineapple chunks, drained
1/2 cup canned crushed pineapple, well drained
1/2 cup canned mandarin oranges, drained
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup coconut flakes
2 tablespoon raisins
1 tablespoon pecans chopped
1 tsp nutmeg
1 1/2 cups mini marshmallows
Mix it all together in a bowl.
Root Beer Float Weight Watchers Style
servings 1 estimated POINTS per serving 1 1 can diet root beer, chilled
1/2 cup frozen Cool Whip Free
Place the frozen Cool Whip in a tall glass and pour the cold root beer over. Tastes like the real thing!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
· 1 cup all-purpose flour
· 1 cup whole-wheat flour
· 2 tsp baking soda
· 1 tsp ground cinnamon
· 1/2 tsp allspice
· 1/4 tsp nutmeg
· 4 egg whites
· 1 1/4 cups firmly packed brown sugar
· 1 cup unsweetened applesauce
· 1/2 cup low fat buttermilk
· 1 tsp vanilla extract
· 1 8-ounce can crushed pineapple, drained
· 2 cups shredded carrots
· 1/2 cup raisins
· 1/4 cup chopped walnuts
· 1/4 cup light cream cheese
· 1/4 cup fat-free cream cheese
· 2 cups powdered sugar
· 1 tsp lemon juice
· 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Preparation: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 13-inch x 9-inch baking pan with nonstick cooking spray.
Combine flours, baking soda, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg in a large bowl.
Stir with a whisk.
In another bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form.
Beat in sugar slowly, followed by the applesauce, buttermilk and vanilla.
Add to flour mixture and stir until just moist.
Stir in the pineapple, carrots, raisins and walnuts.
Spoon batter into baking pan and bake for 35-40 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack before frosting.
For the frosting:
Beat cream cheeses together with lemon juice and vanilla.
Add in powdered sugar until desired consistency. Spread over cooled cake. Cut cake into 16 squares.
Per Serving: Calories 269, Calories from Fat 29, Total Fat 3.3g (sat 1.1g), Cholesterol 5mg, Sodium 244mg, Carbohydrate 54.9g, Fiber 2.7g, Protein 5g
BROWNIES Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes
· 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
· 1/2 cup Dutch Process Cocoa
· 1/2 tsp baking powder
· 1/2 cup sugar
· 1/8 tsp salt
· 2 tbsp canola oil
· 4 ounces unsweetened applesauce
· 2 tsp vanilla extract
· 1 egg, lightly beaten
· 2 egg whites
Preparation: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray an 8-inch by 8-inch baking pan with cooking spray.
Whisk flour, cocoa, baking powder, sugar and salt in a small bowl. In a medium bowl, combine oil, applesauce, vanilla, egg and egg whites.
Gradually stir in dry ingredients to wet ingredients until well combined.
Pour into baking pan and bake for 20 minutes, until sides pull away from edge of pan. Cool in pan and cut into 16 squares.
Makes 16 brownies
Per brownie: Calories 74, Calories from Fat 21, total Fat 2.4g (sat 0.6g), Cholesterol 13mg, Sodium 45mg, Carbohydrate 11.6g Fiber 1g, Protein 1.7g
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Healthy Recipes
Ingredients: Caribbean Citrus Marinade
1/2 cup Pineapple juice
2 Tbsp Caribbean Citrus Seasoning Blend
Caribbean Chicken
4 Boneless, skinless chicken breast
3/8 cup (6 Tbsp.) Caribbean Marinade (above)
1/2 Tbsp. Caribbean Citrus Seasoning Blend
Roasted Caribbean Veggies
1/2 fresh pineapple, peeled, cut into cubes
1 Medium sweet onion, cut into cubes
For the marinade mix all ingredients in a small bowl.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before using.
Preheat oven to 350F.
Combine chicken and the Caribbean Citrus Marinade and marinate chicken for at least 30 minutes.
Chop all the vegetables and mix all the ingredients in a large bowl.
Transfer the chicken and veggies into a baking pan.
Sprinkle on the additional 1 Tbsp of Caribbean Citrus Seasoning Blend onto the chicken breast/veggie mixture.
Bake at 350°F for 35 minutes or until the chicken is thoroughly cooked.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 20 min
Cook Time: 30 min to 35 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:230 % of Calories from Fat:8 % Total Fat:2 g Saturated Fat:0 g Unsaturated Fat:0 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:70 mg Sodium:90 mg Potassium:640 mg Carbohydrates:25 g Fiber:3 g Protein:29 g
All American Beef Stew
3 Tbsp. (45mL) Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blend
1 lb (454g) lean beef stew meat, cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces
1 cup (240mL) carrots, cut into 1 inch chunks
1/2 cup (120mL) celery , cut into slices
1 1/2 cups (360mL) red-skinned potatoes, about 5 small potatoes, cubed
1 1/2 cups (360mL) cut green beans, fresh or frozen
1 14.5 Oz. can (406g) low sodium beef broth
1 14.5 Oz. can (406g) canned low sodium diced tomatoes
2 Tbsp. all purpose flour
2 Tbsp. canola oil
Coat meat in flour.
Brown meat in oil in a large heavy Dutch oven on all sides, about 10 minutes.
Add carrots, celery, Garlic and Herb Seasoning, potatoes, green beans, and broth in the Dutch oven.
Cook on stove top low heat for 3 hours, watching carefully not to boil over.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 5
Serving Size: 14 oz/415g
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 3 hr, 30 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:279 % of Calories from Fat:35 % Total Fat:11 g Saturated Fat:2 g Unsaturated Fat:6 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:51 mg Sodium:259 mg Potassium:518 mg Carbohydrates:20 g Fiber:4 g Protein:24 g
Baked Oriental Chicken
1 Tbsp. (15mL) Extra Spicy Seasoning Blend
6 (4 Oz.) (115g) boneless skinless chicken breast halves
2/3 cup (160mL) oriental plum sauce
1 Tbsp. (15mL) lite soy sauce
Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).Place chicken in a nonstick baking pan.
Combine plum sauce, Extra Spicy Seasoning Blend and soy sauce in small bowl.
Pour mixture evenly over chicken, turning pieces until well coated.
Bake uncovered 35 to 40 minutes, or until chicken reaches 170°F (77°C).
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 6
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 35 min to 40 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:188 % of Calories from Fat:10 % Total Fat:2 g Saturated Fat:1 g Unsaturated Fat:1 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:66 mg Sodium:343 mg Potassium:381 mg Carbohydrates:15 g Fiber:1 g Protein:27 g
Buttery Pepper & Citrus Broiled Fish
3 Tbsp. (45mL) dry butter seasoning
1 Tbsp. (15mL) Lemon Pepper Seasoning Blend
1 Tbsp. (15mL) lime juice
2 tsp (10mL) honey
4 4 Oz. (115g) boneless white fish fillets
Combine Lemon Pepper, dry butter seasoning, lime juice, and honey in small bowl; mix well.
Broil fish 6 to 8 inches from heat, turning once.
Spread fish with Lemon Pepper mixture.
Broil an additional 4 to 5 minutes.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 10 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:122 % of Calories from Fat:7 % Total Fat:1 g Saturated Fat:0 g Unsaturated Fat:0 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:65 mg Sodium:482 mg Potassium:359 mg Carbohydrates:6 g Fiber:0 g Protein:22 g
Chicken & Pasta
1 lb (454g) boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, cut into 1 inch (2.5cm) squares
1 tsp (5mL) olive oil
1 Tbsp. (15mL) Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blend
1 cup (240mL) chopped tomatoes
1 Tbsp. (15mL) canned sliced ripe olives
4 oz. (115g) fettuccine, cooked according to package directions 1/4 cup (60mL) Parmesan cheese
Cook and stir chicken in olive oil over medium-high heat for about 2 minutes
. Sprinkle with Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blend and continue to cook for about 2 minutes or until browned.
Add tomatoes and olives and simmer for 2 minutes.
Add cooked fettuccine and combine.
Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese before serving.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 10 min to 12 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:270 % of Calories from Fat:17 % Total Fat:5 g Saturated Fat:2 g Unsaturated Fat:2 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:70 mg Sodium:217 mg Potassium:409 mg Carbohydrates:23 g Fiber:1 g Protein:33 g
Chicken Cacciatore
1 1/2 Tbsp. (22.5mL) Classic Italian Seasoning Blend
2 tsp (10mL) olive oil
1 1/2 lb (679g) boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
3/4 cup (180mL) chopped green bell pepper
3/4 cup (180mL) sliced fresh mushrooms
1 can (14.5 Oz.) (406g) pasta-ready tomatoes, undrained
2 Tbsp. (30mL) fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 cup (120mL) shredded part-skim, low moisture Mozzarella cheese
Heat olive oil in large skillet over medium-high heat.
Add chicken and brown.
Add Italian Seasoning and all remaining ingredients and simmer, uncovered, 10 to 12 minutes, or until chicken is done.
Serve immediately sprinkled with shredded Mozzarella cheese.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 6
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 15 min to 18 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:194 % of Calories from Fat:23 % Total Fat:5 g Saturated Fat:2 g Unsaturated Fat:3 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:71 mg Sodium:215 mg Potassium:571 mg Carbohydrates:7 g Fiber:2 g Protein:30 g
Chicken Pasta Salad
1/4 cup (60mL) Lemon Herb Peppercorn 10-Minute Marinade 1/3 cup (80mL) fat-free mayonnaise
3 oz (85g) Fusilli pasta
1 cup (240mL) fresh broccoli florets
1/2 medium red pepper, chopped
6 small mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cup (120mL) red onion, chopped
6 oz (168g) boneless, skinless chicken breast, cooked and chopped
Mix Herb Peppercorn 10-Minute Marinade and mayonnaise together in large bowl and blend well.
Cook pasta according to package directions, drain, set aside.
Cook broccoli until crisp tender, drain and set aside to cool.
Add drained pasta, broccoli, red pepper, sliced mushrooms, red onion and chicken to dressing in bowl, toss.
Refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 4
Serving Size: 1 cup (240mL)
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 8 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:186 % of Calories from Fat:15 % Total Fat:3 g Saturated Fat:0 g Unsaturated Fat:0 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:27 mg Sodium:195 mg Potassium:318 mg Carbohydrates:25 g Fiber:2 g Protein:14 g
Grilled Chicken Breasts on Stir Fried Vegetables
4 4 Oz. (115g) boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 Tbsp. (30mL) olive oil
4 Oz. (115g) snow peas, trimmed
1 red pepper, seeded and julienned
1 small zucchini, julienned
4 Oz. (115g) bean sprouts
2 Tbsp. (30mL) Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blend
2 Tbsp. (30mL) lemon juice
2 tsp (10mL) low sodium soy sauce
Prepare vegetables and set aside.
Preheat barbecue to medium high.
Brush chicken breast with 1 Tbsp. (15mL) olive oil.
Heat 1 Tbsp. (15mL) olive oil in wok or large skillet over high heat.
Add snow peas and red pepper, toss for 2 minutes then add zucchini
Toss for 1 minutes before adding bean sprouts and cook for another minute.
Add Mrs. Garlic and Herb Seasoning Blend, lemon juice and soy sauce. Heat through for 1 minute.
Meanwhile cook chicken breasts on barbecue, 5-6 minutes on each side, until juices run clear.
Serve chicken on top of stir fried vegetables.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 4
Serving Size: 8.7 Oz. (247g)
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 12 min to 13 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:224 % of Calories from Fat:36 % Total Fat:9 g Saturated Fat:1 g Unsaturated Fat:7 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:66 mg Sodium:179 mg Potassium:523 mg Carbohydrates:7 g Fiber:2 g Protein:29 g
Meat Loaf
1/4 cup (60mL) Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blend
1/3 cup (80mL) low sodium catsup
2 Tbsp. (30mL) brown sugar
2 tsp (10mL) dry mustard
1 lb (454g) ground sirloin
1/2 cup (120mL) low sodium plain fresh bread crumbs, crumbled
1/2 cup (120mL) egg substitute or 2 small eggs, beaten
vegetable cooking spray
1/2 cup (120mL) onions, finely chopped
Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).
Spray 8x4 inch (20X10cm) loaf pan with vegetable cooking spray.
Combine catsup, brown sugar and mustard in small bowl; mix well. Set aside.
Combine ground sirloin, bread crumbs, Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blend, onions,
beaten eggs or egg substitute and half of catsup mixture in large bowl; mix well.
Pat into prepared loaf pan.
Bake 40 minutes.
Spread remaining sauce over meat.
Return to oven and cook additional 10 minutes.
Let stand 5 minutes before serving.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 4
Serving Size: 6.3 Oz. (177.9g)
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 50 min to 55 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:234 % of Calories from Fat:31 % Total Fat:8 g Saturated Fat:3 g Unsaturated Fat:4 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:138 mg Sodium:96 mg Potassium:170 mg Carbohydrates:17 g Fiber:1 g Protein:26 g
Pork Tenderloin with Sesame Seeds
1 lb (454g) pork tenderloin
1/4 cup (60mL) honey 1/2 cup (120mL) low sodium soy sauce
1 Tbsp. (15mL) Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blend
3 Tbsp. (45mL) sesame seeds
Spread pork tenderloin with honey, soy sauce and Garlic & Herb Seasoning
and place in a resealable bag and let marinate in the refrigerator for 2 to 8 hours.
Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).
Place sesame seeds on waxed paper and roll tenderloin in sesame seeds.
Place pork tenderloin in a baking dish and roast for 25 minutes or until pork
reaches 160°F (71°C) on a meat thermometer.
Remove from oven, cool, refrigerate overnight or until very cold.
Slice on the diagonal.
Can be served with hot mustard, plum sauce and sesame seeds.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 6
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 30 min to 40 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:137 % of Calories from Fat:20 % Total Fat:3 g Saturated Fat:1 g Unsaturated Fat:2 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:50 mg Sodium:210 mg Potassium:260 mg Carbohydrates:4 g Fiber:1 g Protein:17 g
Shrimp Sautée
1 Tbsp. (15mL) cooking oil
1 cup (250mL) red bell pepper, julienned
1 cup (250mL) green bell pepper, julienned
24 uncooked shrimp
1 tsp (5mL) crushed basil
1 Tbsp. (15mL) Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blend
1 Tbsp. (15mL) vinegar
1 Tbsp. (15mL) Dry Butter Seasoning Natural Butter Flavor Sprinkles
In a large skillet or wok, heat oil over medium-high heat.
Stir fry peppers for 1 to 2 minutes, add shrimp, basil, Garlic & Herb and continue cooking until shrimp are cooked 3 to 4 minutes.
Add vinegar and cook until reduced
Sprinkle with Dry Butter Seasoning Stir until dissolved.
Serve over rice.
Recipe Summary:
Prep Time: 5 min Cook Time: 10 min Nutritional Information:
Calories:174 % of Calories from Fat:31 % Total Fat:6 g Saturated Fat:1 g Unsaturated Fat:4 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:172 mg Sodium:305 mg Potassium:342 mg Carbohydrates:7 g Fiber:1 g Protein:24 g
Smokin' BBQ Ribs
1 (12 Oz.) (336g) can beer
1 (10 Oz.) (300g) can sloppy joe sauce
1 (4 Oz.) (115g) can chopped jalapenos, drained
2 Tbsp. (30mL) Mesquite Grilling Blend
2 1/2 lbs (679g) boneless country style pork ribs
2 tsp (10mL) Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp (10mL) hot pepper sauce
Pour 1/2 of the beer and 1/2 of the sloppy joe sauce into a big zippered bag.
Drink the rest of the beer and save the rest of the sloppy joe sauce for another use. Mix everything else into the bag, except the ribs.
Set aside 1/4 cup (60mL) of the marinade to use as a baste.
Add the ribs to the bag, seal, and massage the ribs to coat completely with the marinade.
Stick the bag in the fridge for a few hours (or overnight for more flavor).
Fire up the grill - preferably charcoal - to medium.
Pluck out the ribs and grill, turning and basting with the reserved marinade a few times, until cooked through (about 155°F on an instant read thermometer), 15 to 20 minutes total.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 10
Serving Size: 6.6 Oz. (186.3g)
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 15 min to 20 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:199 % of Calories from Fat:41 % Total Fat:9 g Saturated Fat:3 g Unsaturated Fat:6 g Trans Fat:0 g Cholesterol:91 mg Sodium:404 mg Potassium:519 mg Carbohydrates:7 g Fiber:1 g Protein:20 g
Turkey Burgers
1 Tbsp. (15mL) Lemon Pepper Seasoning Blend
1 Tbsp. (15mL) Onion & Herb Seasoning Blend
1 lb (454g) ground white turkey
1/4 cup (60mL) egg substitute
1/3 cup (80mL) breadcrumbs
vegetable cooking spray
3 Tbsp. (45mL) low sodium catsup
4 whole grain or whole wheat hamburger buns
1 cup (240mL) shredded lettuce
In a medium bowl, mix together ground turkey, Onion & Herb Seasoning, egg substitute, and breadcrumbs until thoroughly blended.
Form into 4 burgers.
Spray skillet with vegetable oil, cook burgers approximately 7 minutes on each side.
Mix catsup and Lemon Pepper, spread evenly on one side of each bun.
Place burger on each bun, top with shredded lettuce.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 15 min to 17 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:342 % of Calories from Fat:32 % Total Fat:12 g Saturated Fat:3 g Unsaturated Fat:8 g Trans Fat:1 g Cholesterol:90 mg Sodium:413 mg Potassium:527 mg Carbohydrates:31 g Fiber:4 g Protein:27 g
Vegetarian Curry Burgers
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped (1 cup)
1 tsp curry powder
1 Tbsp. Extra Spicy Seasoning Blend (your choice but choice one low in sodium and calories)
1 1/2 cups button mushrooms, chopped
1 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas or 1 (15 oz.) can "no salt added" chickpeas
1 medium carrot, shredded
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
3 Tbsp. chopped cilantro
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
In a large nonstick skillet, warm 1 tablespoon of the oil over medium high heat.
Add the onion, curry powder, and seasoning blend.
Cook stirring frequently until onion starts to soften.
Add mushrooms and continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes, or until all liquid evaporates.
Transfer mixture to food processor or blender. Add the cooked chickpeas and pulse until chopped finely.
Place mixture in a bowl and add the carrots, walnuts, cilantro, and pepper.
Mix well to combine.
Lightly Dust hands with flour.
Shape mixture into six 4 " patties.
In a large skillet heat the remaining oil.
Cook patties for about 4 minutes per sides until golden brown.
Serve patties with a cucumber yogurt sauce.
Recipe Summary:
Serves: 6
Prep Time: 0 min
Cook Time: 0 min
Nutritional Information:
Calories:169 % of Calories from Fat:48 % Total Fat:9 g Saturated Fat:1 g Unsaturated Fat:- g Trans Fat:- g Cholesterol:10 mg Sodium:18 mg Potassium:- mg Carbohydrates:18 g Fiber:5 g Protein:6 g
Turkey Soup
Serves 10
1 turkey carcass
4 cups water
8 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
4 large onions, 1 quartered and 3 chopped
1 cup diced rutabaga or turnip, peeled1 cup chopped celery
4 carrots, peeled and cut into thin strips
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley1/4 teaspoon dried thyme1 bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 cup pearl barley
1 can (14 ounces) unsalted tomatoes
1 can (16 ounces) white beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 pound leftover light turkey meat, cut into bite-size chunks
In a large stockpot, combine the turkey carcass, water, broth and quartered onion.
Bring to a boil over high heat.
Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 1 hour.
Strain the mixture, discarding the carcass and onion.
Chill the liquid in the refrigerator — overnight, if possible — and skim off the fat from the broth's surface.
Return the liquid to the stockpot.
Add the remaining ingredients to the broth mixture.
Bring to a simmer and cook, covered, for about 1 hour
Ladle into individual bowls and serve immediately.
Nutritional Analysis
191 Calories, 3g Fat, 171 mg Sodium
Monday, June 22, 2009
Exercise Revisited
Walking is by far my exercise of choice but I like having options so I have looked at other exercises to see how many calories you burn doing them. Here is what I've found:
Activity (60 min.)
The following information is the amount of calories burned by someone weighing 160 lbs
Aerobics, high impact 511
Aerobics, low impact 365
Aerobics, water 292
Backpacking 511
Basketball game 584
Bicycling (10mph) 292
Bowling 219
Canoeing 256
Dancing, ballroom 219
Football 584
Golfing 329
Hiking 438
Ice Skating 511
Jogging 584
Racquetball 511
Roller blading 913
Rope Jumping 730
Rowing, stationary 511
Running 986
Skiing, cross-country 511
Skiing, downhill 365
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Cutting Back on Fast Food/Change #7
The Double Quarter Pounder w/ cheese is 740 calories, 42 grams of fat and 1380 mg. of sodium.
The Big Mac is 540 calories, 29 grams of fat and 1040 mg of sodium.
The Big N Tasty w/cheese is 510 calories, 28 grams of fat, and 960 mg of sodium.
The Quarter Pounder w/cheese is 510 calories, 26 grams of fat and 1190 mg of sodium.
A 10 piece order of Chicken Nuggets is 460 calories, 29 grams of fat and 1000 mg of sodium.
The McRib is 500 calories,26 grams of fat and 980 mg of sodium.
The Double Cheeseburger is 440 calories, 23 grams of fat and 1150 mg of sodium.
The Quarter Pounder is 410 calories, 19 grams of fat and 730 mg of sodium.
The Filet O Fish is 380 calories, 18 grams of fat and 640 mg of sodium.
The Cheeseburger is 300 calories, 12 grams of fat and 750 mg of sodium
A small order of fries is 230 calories, 11 grams of fat and 160 mg of sodium.
A medium order of fries is 380 calories 19 grams of fat and 270 mg of sodium.
A large order of fries is 500 calories, 25 grams of fat and 350 mg of sodium.
Burger King
A Whopper is 41 grams of fat, 1030 mg of sodium and 610 calories
A Whopper w/Cheese is 48 grams of fat,1460 mg of sodium, and 710 calories
A Double Whopper w/Cheese is 66 grams of fat, 1,530 mg of sodium, and 1010 calories
A Triple Whopper w/cheese is 85 grams of fat, 1,610 mg of sodium, and 1260 calories
A Baconator is 830 calories, 51 grams of fat, and 1880 mg of sodium
A 3/4 Triple w/cheese is 970 calories, 60 grams of fat, and 2010 mg of sodium
A Wendy's combo meal with a 3/4 Triple w/cheese, a large coke, and large fries is 1760 calories, 85 grams of fat and 2520 grams of sodium
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sleep Is Good/ # 6 Getting Enough Sleep
1. Sleep is good for your heart- Heart attacks and strokes are more common during the early morning hours. This fact may be explained by the way sleep interacts with the blood vessels. Lack of sleep has been associated with worsening of blood pressure and cholesterol, all risk factors for heart disease and stroke.
2. Prevention of Cancer People working the late shift have a higher risk for breast and colon cancer. Researchers believe this link is caused by differing levels of melatonin in people who are exposed to light at night. Light exposure reduces the level of melatonin, a hormone that both makes us sleepy and is thought to protect against cancer. Melatonin appears to suppress the growth of tumors. Be sure that your bedroom is dark to help your body produce the melatonin it needs.
3. Sleep Reduces Stresses When your body is sleep deficient, it goes into a state of stress. The body's functions are put on high alert which causes an increase in blood pressure and a production of stress hormones. Higher blood pressure increases your risk for heart attacks and strokes. The stress hormones also, unfortunately, make it harder for you to sleep.
4. Less Inflammation The increase in stress hormones raises the level of inflammation in your body, also creating more risk for heart-related conditions, as well as cancer and diabetes. Inflammation is thought to one of the causes of the deterioration of your body as you age.
5. Sleep Makes You More Alert Of course, a good night's sleep makes you feel energized and alert the next day. Being engaged and active not only feels great, it increases your chances for another good night's sleep. When you wake up feeling refreshed, use that energy to get out into the daylight, do active things, and be engaged in your world. You'll sleep better the next night and increase your daily energy level.
6. Sleep is Good for the Memory Researchers do not fully understand why we sleep and dream, but a process called memory consolidation occurs during sleep. While your body may be resting, your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input, feelings and memories. Your dreams and deep sleep are an important time for your brain to make memories and links. Getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process things better.
7. Weight Loss Researchers have also found that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is thought that the lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in the body that affect appetite. The hormones ghrelin and leptin, important for the regulation of appetite, have been found to be disrupted by lack of sleep
8. Napping is Good for the Brain Napping during the day is not only an effective and refreshing alternative to caffeine, it can also protect your health and make you more productive. A study of 24,000 Greek adults showed that people who napped several times a week had a lower risk for dying from heart disease. People who nap at work have much lower levels of stress. Napping also improves memory, cognitive function and mood. 9. Reduces Depression
Sleep impacts many of the chemicals in your body, including serotonin. People with a deficiency in serotonin are more likely to suffer from depression. You can help to prevent depression by making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep, between 7 and 9 hours each night.
10. Sleep Is the Time the Body Heals Itself Sleep is a time for your body to repair damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays and other harmful exposures. Your cells produce more protein while you are sleeping. These protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage.
* Go to bed and get up at about the same time every day, even on the weekends. Sticking to a schedule helps reinforce your body's sleep-wake cycle and can help you fall asleep better at night.
* Don't eat or drink large amounts before bedtime. Eat a light dinner about two hours before sleeping. If you're prone to heartburn, avoid spicy or fatty foods, which can make your heartburn flare and prevent a restful sleep. Also, limit how much you drink before bed. Too much liquid can cause you to wake up repeatedly during the night for trips to the bathroom.
* Avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcohol in the evening. These are stimulants that can keep you awake. Smokers often experience withdrawal symptoms at night, and smoking in bed is dangerous. Avoid caffeine for eight hours before your planned bedtime. Your body doesn't store caffeine, but it takes many hours to eliminate the stimulant and its effects. And although often believed to be a sedative, alcohol actually disrupts sleep.
* Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, can help you fall asleep faster and make your sleep more restful. Don't exercise within three hours of your bedtime, however. Exercising right before bed may make getting to sleep more difficult.
* Make your bedroom cool, dark, quiet and comfortable. Create a room that's ideal for sleeping. Adjust the lighting, temperature, humidity and noise level to your preferences. Use blackout curtains, eye covers, earplugs, extra blankets, a fan, a humidifier or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs.
* Sleep primarily at night. Daytime naps may steal hours from nighttime slumber. Limit daytime sleep to about a half-hour and make it during midafternoon. If you work nights, keep your window coverings closed so that sunlight, which adjusts the body's internal clock, doesn't interrupt your sleep. If you have a day job and sleep at night, but still have trouble waking up, leave the window coverings open and let the sunlight help wake you up.
*Choose a comfortable mattress and pillow. Features of a good bed are subjective and differ for each person. But make sure you have a bed that's comfortable. If you share your bed, make sure there's enough room for two. Children and pets are often disruptive, so you may need to set limits on how often they sleep in bed with you.
* Start a relaxing bedtime routine. Do the same things each night to tell your body it's time to wind down. This may include taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book, or listening to soothing music. Relaxing activities done with lowered lights can help ease the transition between wakefulness and sleepiness.
*Go to bed when you're tired and turn out the lights. If you don't fall asleep within 15 to 20 minutes, get up and do something else. Go back to bed when you're tired. Don't agonize over falling asleep. The stress will only prevent sleep.
*Use sleeping pills only as a last resort. Check with your doctor before taking any sleep medications. He or she can make sure the pills won't interact with your other medications or with an existing medical condition. Your doctor can also help you determine the best dosage. If you do take a sleep medication, reduce the dosage gradually when you want to quit, and never mix alcohol and sleeping pills. If you feel sleepy or dizzy during the day, talk to your doctor about changing the dosage or discontinuing the pills.
Another thing that helps me is having a cut off point. When my schedule is very hectic I make a list of things I want to accomplish for the day and when I’m done I resolve to complete tasks undone the next day. I get a lot done that way because I have a focus and goal and I give myself room to rest and exhale.